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Книга с картинками на двух языках (Фуле (пулар) – aнглийский)

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Tiimo waaway ɗaanaago. Caafaangel maako majji! Teema o yejjiti ngel haa yaasi na? Feere maako fer o wurtake nder jemma - yoo tippungel ni o taaraama...

Tim can'‍t fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night - and unexpectedly encounters some friends ...

♫ Listen to the story read by native speakers! Within the book you'll find a link that gives you free access to "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" as an mp3 audiobook in American and in British English.

NEW: With printable coloring pages! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.

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* Для Apple (iPad), Sony Reader, Толино, Кобо и т. Д.

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→ посмотри на «Дикие лебеди»

→ посмотри на «Мой самый прекрасный сон»

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